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ew Manhattan COSTCO in Major Presentation of Kosher Foods
New York…The first COSTCO store in the borough of Manhattan that opened last week includes an unprecedented showcase of kosher foods. Company officials were boasting that it offered kosher consumers one of the largest selections of kosher foods in Manhattan. Kosher food officials expect the store to become a key shopping stop for kosher consumers from Manhattan and from as far away as Teaneck NJ. Jim Stafford, Vice President Food & Sundries for the Northeast, extended an open invitation to “kosher vendors small and large to present their products directly to COSTCO for consideration. “We want the kosher community to know that they can approach us directly with their products,” said Stafford, which was also echoed by Rachel Moyer, COTSCO’s Northeast Deli Buyer. Indeed a huge kosher refrigerator case included a display of prepared meals by Meal Mart, assorted cheeses, and other dairy and deli gourmet items. The desserts section was no less impressive with many items from Schick’s and David’s Cookies. In almost every section of the food department were beautifully packaged kosher foods including beef and poultry.

At the formal opening on November 12th, representatives from many of the kosher food companies were in attendance, prompting one well known purveyor to call it “a mini-Kosherfest.” Throughout the store were tables with food, including knishes from Gabilla’s and popcorn from Ike & Sam’s whose flavored popcorn was such a hit at Kosherfest. There was even a display of a kosher gift card that offered two $50 cards for dinners at Prime Grill and Solo’s for only $79.99. Kosher industry officials say that this is the 12th COSTCO store to feature a designated kosher section and a large selection of kosher foods throughout the store. COSTCO’s Manhattan store boasts more than 105,000 square feet of selling space and 3,500 products. The discount retailer posted a profit of $1.09 billion on sales of $71.4 billion in the year ended August 30th. It had 562 warehouses worldwide as of early November.