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Manhattan, Thursday, Sept 3, 2009

We had the misfortune of having to drive in Manhattan yesterday evening and what did we see? Tens of cars festooned with rabidly anti Israel posters and probably several dozen black hatted men walking carrying posters with the same anti Israel diatribe. Of course, they were protesting the existence of the Jewish state and claiming that Jews are not for Israel. Some of the professionally printed signs even spelled Israel as “Isreal.” Gotta love people who are too stupid to even hate properly!

A second set of posters decried the action of the Israeli police against the black hat community of Mea Shearim. There was no mention of the fact that some people there have burned trash bins and thrown rocks and dirty diapers at the police. The posters did say that the “Zionist police” were akin to Nazis.

Nice, eh?

What an incredible disgrace! To make matters even worse, their cars deliberately drove very slowly with the result that Second Ave became a parking lot as they blocked intersections and held up traffic.

Gentle readers: our parents and grandparents would recognize this for what it is- a shondeh far goyim- a public disgrace. How very shameful.

From people who look down on other Jews who do not live as they do, this sort of behavior is disgusting and beyond the merely shameful.