Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Readers of the Kosher Nexus blog and the Kosher Nexus newsletter know that we love every single one of the incredible baked goods that come from Exceptional Brownie.

We have declared our eternal love for the owners and sworn fealty to them forever and ever!

Last Rosh Hashanah we swooned over their honey cake. This year, we look forward to the honey cake, but even more, we look forward to the
Apple Brandy cake. We bought some for shabbat last week- now we can’t wait for more!

This is one for the record books! Soft, moist, flavorful and with a wonderful “mouth feel”- this one is a winner.

We would have eaten it all- all 22 ounces- in one sitting, but we knew that was not a good idea. Well, actually it was a great idea, but not a good thing to do. But- we can’t help ourselves. We are weak and defenseless in the face of this incredible cake.

Momma put the coins on my eyes, because surely I must have died and gone to heaven!

This cake is a Kosher Nexus Five Fork winner!

To the ladies at Exceptional Brownies, mad props on another masterful creation. And once again we ask- wanna get married?????????????

Supervision is O-K pareve. It is also Pat Yisrael.