Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We love honey. Every year, we try to find a new kind of honey to put out on our Rosh Hashanah table. Lately, it has been getting harder and harder to find new honey varieties. That problem is now officially solved! Introducing BEE RAW honey. The honey is actually organic, but not certified organic (NO honey ever is here in the USA.) All of the honey this company sells is 100% natural, unprocessed and unfiltered. It is naturally kosher and needs no hashgacha.

Check out these amazing varieties:
Maine Blueberry Honey (mmmmmmm- we tried it!)
Florida Orange Blossom
Main Wild Raspberry
California Wild Black Sage
Colorado Sweet Yellow Clover
Washington Buckwheat (very heavy and strong tasting- not for everyone)
New York Basswood
Colorado Star Thistle

Then there are the rare or only seasonally available varieties:
Wisconsin Cranberry (in Autumn only)
North Carolina Sourwood (very limited quantity)

Bee Raw Honey P O Box 1343 NYC, NY 10013 888.660.0900