Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Alan Adler had this to say about his company’s (ie, Streit’s) re-involvement with the Kof-K:

“I do not believe that the major agencies were behind [the ban]. I don’t think they are morally inclined to engage in this kind of activity to drum up business. We have good working relationships with the national agencies. They are our friends, not our adversaries,” Adler said. He added that since Streit’s has never paid for supervision from local organizations such as the Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway, or the Vaad of Queens, there is no cause to suspect that financial motives were behind the ban.

“I think it shows a loss for the people who have to rely on the Vaad’s and have lost confidence in them,” said Adler. “For Streit’s it’s a victory because our customers gave us overwhelming support and told us that our product was acceptable to them just the way it was.”
You have to admire Mr Adler. His restraint in the face of what was a real example of sand bagging is most wonderful. Given the opportunity to verbally lash out, Mr Adler chose to speak with restraint, to avoid lashon harah and to guide his tongue with the laws of loving kindness.

We are very impressed with Mr Adler’s remarks and we salute him. Unlike the unJewish behavior of those V’adim that sought to stop his sales, Mr Adler showed a real example of how a Jew responds in a Jewish manner. Kol Hakavod to him! Please show the company how much you respect them- buy their products!