Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Some of the absolutely bestest (dairy) cookies we have ever had come from the Fat Boy Company, located in New Jersey where they take their cookies very, very seriously. You think Tony Soprano would eat just any kind of cookie? No way!

Outrageous Cookie Dough is made of the finest all natural ingredients, comes frozen and is ready to be baked as you need them. The taste is sublime. The cookies are heaven on earth good. They are, quite simply, an amazing cookie! A Kosher Nexus Five Fork winner!

Flavors include: White Chocolate Macadamia, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk, Cranberry Walnut, Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chunk and Dutch Chocolate Chunk and Walnuts.

Our two faves are the White Macadamia and the Dutch Chocolate Chunk. MMMMMMMM- heaven in cookie form.

These cookies are OU-D. On the web, you can look them up at

You can also find them at 1.888.328 2690