Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We tried some salt from Himala Salt company (Sustainable Sourcing, LLC). This OK certified, pink salt was amazing. It was fabulous. It was salt the way salt is supposed to taste. We had the owner use a scraper to scrape some salt off of a block onto our hand and we tasted the salt. As we said, it was amazing, fabuliscious. Subtle and tasty, it rolled over the tongue in a pirouette of ecstasy.

Fortunately for us, they were giving out little samples at the food show so we could bring some home. Next, we plan on buying some! The stuff is just too good not to have!!

Check out their web site and learn the following:

“Sustainable Sourcing offers ethically sourced, artisan harvested natural products from the world’s most remote, pristine lands. Today, Sustainable Sourcing is the leading manufacturer of a complete line of pink Himalayan sea salt products, HimalaSalt™, and Sustainable Sourcing Organics™, a distinctive line of organic peppercorns, spices, and artisan salt blends, including 100% zero-landfill gift sets, made from wood certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative.

Sustainable Sourcing’s products are Green-e Certified through the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, as a result of the company’s commitment to being 100% Carbon Neutral. Sustainable Sourcing offsets 100% of its operations with clean wind and solar energy, while delivering products that are artisan crafted with the purest ingredients from nature. Our organic lines are certified through QAI, and all products are certified Kosher or Kosher Passover through Organized Kashrush. Our eco-friendly packaging leaves the smallest footprint possible, being either 100% recycled, recyclable, refillable, and reusable. In addition, 5% of profits go to the environment.”

This one is a Kosher Nexus Five Fork Winner!