Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Here in the metro NYC area, there is one organization whose sole raison d’etre is to help Jews (and others) in need. Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty is an amazing organization. There is hardly an area of life in which they do not offer help- from living quarters to jobs to groceries and cooked food.

Every year, Met Council gives away 4.5 MILLION pounds of food to needy people Every month, 14,000 households get food from the Council. For Passover and Rosh Hashanah, 55,000 households get help. This past Pesach, the Council gave away 1.7 MILLION pounds of food.

Although Met Council is a proud affiliate of UJA/Fedration, the overwhelming majority of their monetary needs are raised by the Council. In truth, no one else does what they do. For the Council, their work means always having to hustle to raise the money and goods they so need. Fortunately, many companies contribute to the cause. For example, back in February, Empire Kosher donated 50,000 pounds of poultry (kol havod!!)- a much needed donation!

Met Council needs our help. See them on line at
Or phone them at 1 212 453 9649

This one is the real thing folks. Please, be generous!