Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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One rabbi we know has suggested that the Queens Vaad and the Five Towns Vaad both be brought up on RICO charges. It seems that their technique sure does recall that of Tony Soprano.

Read the article from yesterday again. Notice the line that they are not “Chas V’shalom” saying that Streits is not kosher.

Two rabbis who serve on the two local vaadim are also connected (one presently, one in the past) to the OU. Funny thing about that.

The bottom line for us is this: If the Queens Vaad and the Five Towns Vaad are upset that Streits does not have a national hashgacha, then it seems to us that those two vaadim should cease to exist. After all, their hashgacha is not national. Nor is it always rational. When we asked a QV rabbi why he insists on covering refrigerator shelves for Pesach, he said that customers expect it. Great explanation- blame the consumer.

The QV, for example, requires all of their food stores, to close for 9 Av and half of the next day. We once asked them, suppose a man is traveling and ends up in Queens overnight for 9 Av. He goes to minyan at night and again in the morning. However, the man is a diabetic and is not allowed to fast for health reasons. Apparently there is no place for that man to buy kosher take out. We never got an answer. Apparently, you can not challenge the great rabbis of the Queens Vaad or of the Five Towns Vaad. The former are too busy making rules that serve the public poorly. The latter are too busy looking for more businesses to force to shutter their doors.

Making stores remove Streits off of their shelves is gangsterism plain and simple.