Today is January 16, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Some people have questioned our stance regarding peanuts on Pesach. In our FAQ we mentioned that the late, great Rabbi M Feinstein, OBM, allowed peanuts on Pesach. Some thought that we left out the most important part of his tshuvah.

We disagree. Here is a translation of his tshuva (courtesy of the OK):

“Concerning peanuts, which were called stashkes in Europe—they have been accepted as being permitted on Pesach and are not considered kitniyos (legumes that are forbidden on Pesach) because all the reasons for the prohibition of kitniyos do not apply to peanuts. Peanuts are not sown in fields (with grain), and even if they were there is no fear that grain would be mixed together with the peanuts; bread is not baked from peanuts; and generally speaking though they are vegetables they have the appearance of nuts rather than kitniyos. And even though I have heard that in some places they were considered kitniyos, peanuts should not be forbidden in places where it is not known for certain what the custom had been in their city, because, with reference to kitniyos, when in doubt one should be lenient.

Therefore you may give certification for peanuts and the oil derived from them, and they will be permissible to the majority of persons. Those who know for certain that the custom of their city was not to eat peanuts on Passover should not eat them; others are permitted to eat them.”
The last paragraph is very important. The last sentence, in particular, is instructive. Notice that the rabbi wrote, “Those who know for CERTAIN (empahsis ours) that the custom of their city was not to eat peanuts…. should not eat them, others are permitted to eat them.” We are not aware of any broad based NYC custom that forbids eating peanuts on Pesach. Clearly, the rabbi stated that peanuts “will be permissible to the majority of persons”

Nu? It works for us.