Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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A fascinating story in today’s Jerusalem Post:

Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau is about to give his official “blessing” to a new GPS available in Israel that is geared to the religious set. It lists thousands of kosher restaurants, mikvehs, shuls, tefillat haderech, a Hebrew calendar, and two versions of birkat hamazon. The device uses a male voice only in order to not offend chareidi sensitivities.

The device also lists thousands of other sites of interest throughout Israel. It lists holy grave sites, cemeteries and other religious

The prayers are only in Hebrew, but other parts of the GPS are available also in English.

The device was created by Mio Technology and is called Mio Maamin (Mio Believer). It costs NIS 990.

Nu? Whoda thunk it! All in all, we think it is a great idea!