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Kosher Nexus
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The article we referenced yesterday, also contains the following tidbit:

“Fact: Two Manhattan kosher restaurants just went non kosher. There were not enough customers to warrant keeping them kosher and paying the mashgiach for his services.”

This presages the collapse of Kosher? Puhleeze! In Bergen County, a restaurant once closed for Pesach and reopened as a trefe restaurant. The truth was it was a TERRIBLE kosher restaurant, the prices were high and the food was not very tasty. Of course they went out of business.

In any given year, across the board in the restaurant business, for restaurant that opens, two close. That is the nature of the beast. Running a restaurant is a very difficult business. Owners must constantly watch the back door and make sure at the same time that there are sufficient customers coming in the front door. We know of one place (again in Bergen County), that is in its sixth iteration in ten years. Six different owners in ten years- not one of them could make a go of it. This spells the collapse of kashrut?

And why do we get the feeling that the author seems to be implying that it the consumers’ fault that these places go out of business?

Yes, it is a fact that two restaurants in Manhattan closed. It is also a fact that they closed for very specific reasons.

Stay tuned for more…………