Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Rabbi Yosef Wikler, editor of Kashrus Magazine who has worked on his labor of love for a very long time, was not pleased with our three articles criticizing his magazine article about the possible collapse of kashruth. For that we are sorry.

The three articles were not meant as an attack on the good rabbi. Rather, we took extreme issue with both the title and the substance of an article in the magazine. Clearly, the Kosher Nexus and Kashrus Magazine have very different approaches to kashruth. And while we would like to believe that it is our breezy style that has influenced the changes they have made in the style of their writing over the years, we also recognize that they do much that we do not even attempt to do. Although we receive over 350,000 discrete hits every year, we are also aware that we do share some readers.

In Rambam’s Hilchot Deot, Chapter 6, we read that we are to speak with the person we would criticize before we go public. We honestly feel that we were not attacking the rabbi at all. We do believe that literary criticism is not what Rambam meant. We truly believe that what Rambam said does not apply in this case- otherwise we would not have written.

We take issue with what we read in Kashrus Magazine. But, we continue to read it. We have been a subscriber for more than 15 years. There is room for what they have to say, especially as they cover areas that no one else covers. No one says, however, that we have to agree on everything. That is why HaShem created both magazines and blogs!