Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We once commented that at Kashrus (sic) magazine, they live for each crisis that comes along. In a more cynical moment, we even claimed that they once noted that the current crisis was that there was no crisis! Well, boys and girls, thank goodness, this time around Chicken Little has her wings full, because the sky sure is falling. Or, as an article in Issue 142, Vol. 29, No. 2, noted: ARE WE WITNESSING THE COLLAPSE OF KOSHER?

The article lists six (count them- 6) paragraphs all beginning with the italicized word “fact.” The problem is that not every thing they list as fact is, indeed, a fact.

Take this paragraph: “Fact: With the lack of meat challenging everyone, is another scandal like the one in Monsey far behind?” Ok, here’s the deal: the word “fact” presupposes a statement that is verifiable. What they gave us was a question that might or might obtain sometime down the road. So, clearly it is NOT a fact. Rather it is a warning to be (as the paragraph goes on to say) extra vigilant in the days ahead. As far as warnings go, that one is well intentioned, but no matter how you twist it, it ain’t a fact.

Doesn’t anyone speak proper English anymore? Then again, when you title an article the way they did, you don’t need to worry about accuracy of English. Just scare the good folks out there in TV land.

Stay turned for more……….