Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We are in Austin, Texas for a wedding. Directly from the airport, we went to the Kosher Store and Kosher Deli inside an H*E*B store.

We have eaten at that deli so many times, we couldn’t give you a number. Each time, we marvel at the low prices and the good food. We also can’t get over the fact that you can get your pastrami on rye or corned beef on rye served with alfalfa and guacamole. We love that one!

We had their version of a Reuben sandwich: grilled corned beef on grilled rye, covered with fresh sauer kraut and 1000 Island dressing. It is one of our faves. Especially the fact that no matter how careful we are, we always manage to leave there with a filthy shirt!

We all enjoyed our lunch and headed from there to the famous home of the UTJ Southern Test Kitchen at Chez Herrera (Alex Herrera is the UTJ’s cyber rebbe) where we can’t wait for some down home Texas style cooking!

We will keep you posted!