Today is January 25, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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A paid advertorial that appears weekly in the New York Jewish Week, is usually our entertainment. We find that the author’s persistent bleatings about Orthodox bashing, etc, tend to be so over the top that all one can do is either laugh or grimace.

This week’s diatribe was against those who would tie kashruth to anything else. The author stops short of giving Agri Processors his blessing, but it is clear that he opposed those who would attach a moral component to kashruth.

In truth, he is correct. Either the animal meets the requirements of kashruth or not. Either it was shechted properly or it wasn’t. There is not a whole lot of wriggle room there. Yet, he attaches himself to the finest of fine points of Jewish law. And he ignores hundreds of years of rabbinic tradition.

As we have said before, the rabbis were well aware of an added component in ALL THINGS JEWISH that calls out for tzedek. The Torah commands us forcefully to follow the path of tzedek (tzededk tzedek tirdof).

It seems to us that Agri has gone over the line- way, way over the line. The meat may be kosher, but it should be assur for any Jew (or anyone else for that matter) to eat.

With all that has come out, it is time to stop screaming anti Semitism (as some in the chapeau noir community have done and continue to do)- it is a disgusting thing when Jews raise the spector of anti Semitism to avoid the truth.

The US Govt. has spoken, and spoken rather forcefully. Yes, they are innocent until proven guilty. Come on- what are the odds?