Today is January 24, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It has been quite some time since we last visited the Sally Williams booth at any food show. Recently, we stopped by to see what’s new and how the company is doing.

The company is doing well, we are pleased to say. And their products just get better and better all the time. This OU certified, kosher for Passover, too, company sells grown up treats. These are definitely too expensive for the kiddies whose taste runs to candy bars at the drug store.

These are way upscale treats, fit for royalty! The candies are made in South Africa, have no additives, gelatin, preservatives or cholesterol.

Flavors include: Almond, Maccadamia, Hazelnut and Cashew. They also have OUD milk chocolate coated nougat bars. The rest of the product line is Pareve. The Belgian dark chocolate covered bars are a real taste treat for those of us who prefer deep, dark chocolate.

These products are a Kosher Nexus Five Fork winner!

The business office is located in Ontario, Canada. The phone number there is 905 474 9211