Today is January 27, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Lately, every other article we read seems to be about the crisis of a looming meat shortage before Rosh Hashanah. We were in one butcher store famous for its already high prices the other day. There was no shortage of meat. On the other hand, prices were obscene. We were stunned at the prices and wondered what people of average means will do this yom tov.

When we were growing up, the yom tov table meant a chicken dish and at least two different meat dishes. Not to mention all the magnificent side dishes in silent readiness for us.

In our house, no yom tov meal was complete without chicken soup with kneidelach or noodles, gehakte leber (chopped liver), gefilte fish and then the main course of turkey, brisket and roast beast. Add to that the carrot tzimmes and the sweet potato pie, the stringbeans almondine (dreadfully over cooked), mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, peas and cranberry sauce (home made), and we had a yom tov feast.

Of course, today people have scaled it down quite a bit. But even so- how will people of moderate means afford to eat this yom tov? Sad, init?

Anyone for chicken necks and beef bones??