Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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This just in from Kosher Today on-line magazine:

Manischewitz Tam Tam Crackers Are Back!
Secaucus, NJ… It may not be your classical new product but the return of the Tam Tam Cracker deserves a mention. Manischewitz, a leader in quality kosher specialty foods, announced recently that the popular great tasting cracker that has been a mainstay in households across America for over 65 years has returned to supermarkets nationwide. Tastier than ever, Tam Tams are available in seven delicious flavors including Original, Garlic, Everything, Whole Grain Garden Herb, Whole Grain Lightly Salted, Onion and No-Salt. Whether you eat them right from the box or with your favorite spread, you can once again enjoy the great taste of these delicious snack crackers all year long. “The upgrading of our plant and ovens in our Newark, New Jersey facility in 2007 required us to shut down for a short period of time to install a new state-of-the-art matzo and cracker oven,” said David Rossi, VP, Marketing, R.A.B. Food Group . “We are grateful for our consumers’ support during this time and are proud to say that the Tam Tams you know and love are back and better than ever.” If consumers cannot find Tam Tams in their local stores, they should ask their grocer about the timing of when they will be back in stock. For more information, visit the company’s website,