Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Now that Tisha B’Av has passed, as of this shabbat, we will have but seven weeks until Rosh Hashanah! Seems sort of strange to bring this up now, but there is a method to our madness!

Kosher meat has recently sent new records for astronomical prices. Worse still, the meat itself tends to not be very good meat, but that is another story.

Normally, we tell people to buy their yom tov meat way in advance in order to beat the pre yom tov price increases. Needless to say, with all that is going out there in Postville, the ongoing spot shortages, and the stage is already set for humongous price increases between now and RH.

At least be a careful consumer- buy your big stuff now. That way you can avoid the six or seven price increases that will wend their way down the pike between now and the holy season.

Get out there and start shopping and freezing!