Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Here are two healthy chametz products we just found on the grocer’s shelves. We thought that we should wait until after Pesach, but when we got to the proverbial article cupboard, it was bare, so you get to read this now, rather than later.

NATURAL OVENS Organic Plus, 100% Whole Wheat Bread: Certified by the Triangle CrC, this pareve bread is really good for you. It is organic. It contains 350mg of omega-3. Plus its name is Natural- what could be better?? The company advises you to freeze the bread and to take what you need from the freezer as you need it.

From POST cereals comes LIVE ACTIVE cereal for DIGESTIVE HEALTH with 3g of probiotic fiber! This cereal, certified by the OK as OKD, contains whole grain flakes with lightly sweetened crunchy clusters, almonds, pecans and walnuts. The cereal flavor is NUT HARVEST CRUNCH.