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Kosher Nexus
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The good people at YumTee make some incredible stuff. They offer nuts, seeds and dried fruit, Gourmet Confections and Fine Chocolates, and Quality Candy and Sweets. The nuts, etc, are OU. The chocolates are CRC, and Candy is OU.

This company has it all: Natural raw nuts, honey glazed nuts, dry roasted nuts, salted and unsalted nuts, fresh packed sun dried fruits, Cordials, chocolate and nut treats, chocolate covered nuts and chocolate covered pretzels. In the candy department, they offer jellies, gummies and candies.

Look for YumTee treats in your local kosher emporium. YumTee is located at 134 South 9th Street, Suite 2D, Brooklyn, NY 11211. 718 398 1000.