Today is March 28, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Every time we eat in Gabriel, we think it couldn’t get any better. And every time we go there, we find that they have found a way to make it even better. At some point, based on the pattern, they will achieve Aristotelian perfection! And believe us, they are not far off!

Gabriel is a smallish restaurant where food is lovingly prepared and served slowly so that you can savor it all. There is no such thing as a quick meal at Gabriel. The food demands respect. When you leave, you realize that not only are full, but your senses have been treated to a plethora of sensations. This is fine dining at its best.

Three of us went. The meal begins with warm rolls brought to the table along with candied sweet carrots, baba ganoush and schug for dipping.

For our first course, one of us had eggplant baladi, one of us had salad, and one of us had ravioli. This, however, was no run of the mill ravioli. Served in a sea of tomato sauce filled with garlic cloves, cherry tomatoes, artichoke hearts and mushrooms, the ravioli itself was sweet potato ravioli. It was delish!

Our main courses were also taam gan eden: One of us had the boneless entrecote in a light sauce, one of us had beef tournados and one of us had sirloin steak (no, not hamburger). Each of us got our meal cooked exactly the way we wanted it.

The tournados came from the heart of the filet mignon and were as soft as the proverbial butter. On top of the meat, there was a large piece of goose liver (foie gras). When we asked the waitress what happened to the pate du foie gras that they used to put on the meat, she brought back a large slice of pate. Eating the cold pate on top of the hot meat yielded a wonderful taste combo. The smoothness of the pate and the grain of the meat work well together. We stole a little piece to put on our meat and found it really amazing!

The sirloin was a most tender piece of meat- of course it was rear quarter meat. How we will live in America without rear quarter meat is a question that is already tormenting us! The meat was tender and sweet and served with a light sauce and over a medley of rice and veggies. MMMMMMM!

We should mention that between courses, they served sorbet to cleanse the palate. Nice touch!

Service is extremely attentive. Water is refilled quickly. Ice is supplied graciously! Clearly, the staff there is well trained in fine European stadards of service.

Gabriel is glatt kosher and under the Jerusalem Rabbinate. It is located at #7 Shimon Ben Shetach St.
The meat served there is of the absolutely highest quality. All the food is fresh and incredibly tasty.

Gabriel is the place to go for a grown up dinner. A Kosher Nexus Five Fork winner!