Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Readers of this blog know that one of the absoutely bestest brownies we have ever had come from Exceptional Brownies. has been faithfully carrying those hot, little babies for a time now- Baruch Hashem!

Until now, those brownies were dairy and were as good as only a truly dairy baked good can be! On a scale of one to ten, those brownies were a twelve. And now they have hit the lofty status of Kosher Nexus Five Fork Award winner! Yes, now there are pareve exceptional brownies! Momma put the coins on my eyes for I have surely gone to Heaven! These OU babies will drive you to explosively loud moans of joy and pleasure.

So, check out The offer the best stuff at very good prices! Plus, the owner is a really nice person to boot! Do a mitzvah today- send a kosher care package to your kid in college, or to your Tante Hindeh in Pittsburg, or even to your best friend who is wondering why you never call or write anymore………. .

This one is a winner. Go for the gold!