Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Robert Parker, noted wine critic, recently rated 14 Israeli wines as “winners.” As reported in a news letter from Royal Kedem Wines, the importer of many of those wines, Israeli wine has turned the corner and can now stand on their own against the so called “big boys.”

From Kedem:
“Fourteen of the winning wines scored “90” and better, with an often glowing report of the tasters’ opinion of the wine.
The big winners were Castel and Carmel.
Castel, a small winery, located close to the entrance to Jerusalem, surpassed the “90” mark with all three submissions- Grand Vin, “C” Chardonnay and Petit Castel, earning high marks for this boutique winery.
Carmel, Israel’s oldest winery, proved that they have transformed into the 21st century with an acclaimed Yatir Forest notching the highest score (93), Shaal Gewürztraminer, and Limited Edition.
Barkan, Segals, Binyamina, Bustan and Batzelet Hagolan won praise, too.”

Reports from Jerusalem tell us that in the last two weeks it has been nearly impossible to find bottles of the Grand Vin. A magnum currently sells for 600NIS. A few places offer discounts and sell it for the high 400’s (NIS).

We are so proud!