Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The following appeared in this week’s KOSHER TODAY.

New Product Showcase
Elite Naturel/Organic Juice USA Introduces Elite Naturel Honeydew Melon Juice
By Eda Kram… Elite Naturel/Organic Juice USA introduced their new 100% certified organic Honeydew Melon Juice. Rich with carotenoids which is an anti-aging supplement that helps to improve the body’s immune system. Elite Naturel Beverages, is a fast-growing, independent manufacturer of 100% certified organic juice and seed extract. Elite Naturel products are created with quality fruits with the most advanced technology. Elite Naturel products, which are rich in vitamins, contain no preservatives, added sugars, artificial colors, and GMOs. Elite Naturel products include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and potassium; all of which increase resistance to infection, improve the body’s physical and mental condition, and decrease the effects of stress by providing enzymes which are essential to optimum body functioning. The juice is certified kosher by the Orthodox Union (OU). For more information and to purchase visit: