Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Dear Friends,

You’re already familiar with these wonderful, innovative products designed by KOSHER INNOVATIONS:

The KosherLampâ„¢, The KosherClockâ„¢, The Teddy Light â„¢, The Magnetic Shabbos Message Boardâ„¢, and the recently introduced, Bug Checkerâ„¢ Portable Light Board.

And we’ve been busy coming up with new ways to meet the challenges the modern world presents to a Torah life. And so, Baruch Hashem, we are very excited to be introducing two new products to the KOSHER INNOVATIONS Family.

Introducing…another invention that will make your family smile…

our revolutionary new…

Approved by leading Poskim and Certified Kosher

The Shabbos Toothcare Family Packâ„¢

In our home, we’ve always felt that if we could get that morning film off our teeth and that stale taste out of our mouths, we’d be better able to enjoy Shabbos and Yom Tov. Especially “3 day” Yom Tovs!

The Shabbos Toothbrushâ„¢ has a unique construction that used along with the Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢ leaves the teeth feeling smooth and fresh. These products are practical and inexpensive and have been developed exclusively according to the halachic principles of Shabbos. For more details see our website.

The Shabbos Toothbrush comes in
FOUR great colors!

The Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢ is manufactured and bottled in the USA under OU supervision. With all natural ingredients, it is highly concentrated and only 5-10 drops are needed for each brushing. In fact, two people can use the Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢ for a whole year’s worth of Shabbosim.

There are four main categories of prohibited melacha related to brushing teeth on Shabbos with a REGULAR toothbrush and REGULAR toothpaste. The number of Halachic issues related to using regular toothbrush and toothpaste on Shabbos vary for individual communities and contemporary poskim. Now, thanks to the new KOSHER INNOVATIONS Shabbos Toothbrushâ„¢ and specially formulated KOSHER INNOVATIONS Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢, these melachos are avoided, allowing you to brush your teeth on Shabbos according to all opinions. ( See our website for more details).
For more details on the Kosher Innovations Shabbos Toothbrushâ„¢ and the laws connected with brushing teeth on Shabbos, you can watch this fantastic, short video clip now. This clip was done by Rabbi Shraga Simmons of’s Jewish Pathways educational program. His explanations are clear, informative and well worth watching.

The Shabbos Toothcare Family Pack is only available Online and only to US customers .
For individual Shabbos Toothbrushesâ„¢ or Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢ bottles visit a store. To find a store nearest you, call us at 1-866-661-5483.

The Shabbos Toothcare Family Packâ„¢ Shabbos Toothcare Family Packâ„¢
Online Price: US $24.95
(includes delivery within the US only)
Description: 4 different colored Shabbos Toothbrushesâ„¢
(red, green, blue, purple)
and one 60mL (2oz.) bottle of Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢.

The Shabbos Toothbrushâ„¢ and Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢ Family Pack is only available online and is ready for immediate shipping. These new KOSHER INNOVATIONS products, as with all our others, will help you enhance your Jewish Home.

The Shabbos Toothbrushâ„¢ and Shabbos Toothwashâ„¢ Family Pack is only available online and is ready for immediate shipping. These new KOSHER INNOVATIONS products, as with all our others, will help you enhance your Jewish Home.

So, let’s see if we got this straight: $25 for four toothbrushes and a bottle of shabbesdik toothpaste???????? Wanna buy a bridge?