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The article below is from this week’s Kosher Today online newsletter. We saw the photo they mention in the article and we thought it was a fake. How tragic to learn that it was real! This one is a “must read.”
Kosher Food Industry
Balducci’s ‘Ham for Chanukah’ Part of Ongoing Deception
New York… Balducci’s, an upscale Greenwich Village food establishment, routinely appeals to Jewish customers on the eve of major Jewish holidays. It offers traditional Jewish dishes for the holidays and frequently uses the Yiddish terms for the food in ads placed in Jewish newspapers like the Jewish Week. The only indication that the food is not kosher is its disclaimer on posters and ads in tiny type. KosherToday has on several occasions pointed out that the Balducci’s promotions on the eve of Jewish holidays are deceptive and can lead innocent Jewish consumers to believe that the fare is kosher. For Chanukah, Balducci’s offered hams for sale with the slogan ‘Delicious for Hanukkah.’ Thanks to Manhattan novelist Nancy Kay Shapiro, 46, who instead of alerting management, decided to take a picture of the unorthodox sign and post it on the Internet, Balducci’s was finally exposed for its non-sensitivity to Jewish consumers who observe kashrus. While the store removed the sign and subsequently apologized, it has not dealt with the larger issue of its ongoing efforts at deceiving Jewish customers.