Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The other day, we were reading a most interesting article about the different ways people eat latkes: with sour cream, with apple sauce, with salt and pepper, etc.

The article went on to talk about people who put ketchup on their latkes.

KETCHUP ON A LATKE? ON A REAL LATKE??? (Not one of those frozen hashed potato thingies- we are talking about real, old fashioned, stink up the house with oil and onions potato latkes. You know, the kind your bubba or perhaps your mom made.

How can you put ketchup on a latke? Pluch! And double pluch!

Then we read an article in Southern Living magazine and they had a recipe for mini latkes topped with olive salmon dressing. Major league pluch! Olive and salmon dressing? What yuppie thought that one up?

We protest. We protest loudly and clearly- don’t mess with our traditions!!