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This comes courtesy of the “I’m Not Martha” column:

Pumpkins are fruit.

According to the University of Illinois, 90 percent of the
pumpkins grown in the United States are raised within a
90-mile radius of Peoria, Illinois.

Pumpkins are grown primarily for processing with a small
percentage grown for ornamental sales through you-pick
farms, farmers’ market and retail sales.

Around 90 to 95 percent of the processed pumpkins in the
United States are grown in Illinois.

Pumpkins are members of the vine crops family called cucur-

Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and
curing snake bites.

In early colonial times, pumpkins were used as an ingredient
for the crust of pies, not the filling. Colonists sliced off
pumpkin tops; removed seeds and filled the insides with milk,
spices and honey. This was baked in hot ashes and is the
origin of pumpkin pie.