Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It apparently is not enough that we all have to put up with those frisky evangelicals and others who ring our doorbell, anxious to share what they call the “good news.” It is not enough to we often sit in traffic behind cars with the somewhat ubiquitous Christian fish on the back of the car (although I did see one once that had the word GEFILTE written inside the fish!!). Now we get to see the not so subtle signs of Christian evangelizing at the beach, too.

Shoes of the fisherman are sandals. On the bottom of the sandals, in heavy duty cut out letters are the following words: on one it says JESUS and on the other it says LOVES YOU. In the sand, the sandals leave a sentence of hope, love and who knows what behind. Moving from wet grass onto dry sidewalk or deck, the same message appears. Pretty slick if you ask us.

Say, here”s an idea: let’s make one that says something like: MOSES INVESTS or how about GOD LOVES JEWS!

Come on folks, we gotta get with the program!