Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Have you noticed that lately almost everything we read has mistakes in it? Where are the proof readers and editors? We recently read a book where a character’s name changed mid story. In another one, the author wrote contradictory times within the space of three paragraphs. Not only is good writing becoming more and more rare, good editing is even more rare.

One thing that comes to mind is the humble restaurant menu. We can’t remember the last time we had one without silly errors. In one restaurant in Teaneck, the menu offered “chicken cubs” and “roosted potatoes.” In a kosher Italian restaurant, the menu offered an item “con saliva” instead of salvia. We were really worried about what went on in that kitchen!

There is a (trefe) restaurant in our neighborhood, one that we pass on the road almost every day. The name of the restaurant is L’Italiano Trattoria. That one makes our teeth itch! We’re guessing that the place is not owned by Italians. Any self respecting Italian would never open a restaurant with such obvious errors in the very name of the place. To be correct, the restaurant should be Trattoria Italiana. We give the owners the famous “close but no cigar” award.

How sad is it when even the name of the place is wrong?

That reminds us of a funny story. In Great Neck, NY, there used to be a kosher restaurant called Sopranos. The first time we went in there, the owner greeted us with a cheery “Good evening” spoken in proper Italian. We responded that we were “molto bene,” and, in Italian, asked how he was doing (Va tutte bene?) He looked at us as if we were from the Moon. At that point, we looked closer at the man and realized that he was not Sicilian at all. He was Persian! Ah,but at least he had someone check all the Italian on his menus.

Come on folks, get with the program!