Today is March 11, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Ok, sure sure- you know about these unreal cookies. You know that they are a taste bud O boy!

When we were at the Fancy Food Show, we could not just walk past their booth. Nope. No way, Josefina. We had to stop, several times in fact, to check out all their offerings.

We have to admit, we had fallend behind in our exposure to these heavenly creations, but at the show we caught up with all the wonderful flavors they offer, including:

Triple Chocolate Bliss (to die for)

White Chocolate Macadamia

Key Lime White Chocolate (mamma put the coins on my eyes…..)

Raspberry Chocolate Chip

Caribean Crunch

Try them all- there are a Kosher Nexus Five Fork awardee!