Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We never knew there are so many different kinds of avocados. We thought that Hass avocados are all there are. Gosh, were we ever wrong!

DONNIE: sort of looks like a light green papaya, and grows to as much as 6 inches or more. Flesh is light and mild. Due to size, this one is perfect for stuffing.

ZUTANO: This Mexican variety actually grows in California. The flesh is light green and has a very mild taste. Try it with olive oil drizzled on it with a little salt and pepper.

FUERTE: This Guatamalan/Mexican hybrid is indeed a strong fruit! The flesh is yellowish with a taste slightly redolent of hazelnuts.

MCARTHUR: A big boy, this one is. Yellow/gold flesh that tastes slightly sweet and slightly nutty. Try making this one into a smoothie!

GWEN: Gwen’s father is named Hass. Seriously, the Gwen is an offshoot of the Hass. Gold/green flesh, slightly smokey in flavor. Some people like to spread a Gwen on their toast.

BACON: Another Guatamalan/Mexican hybrid. Why Bacon? The farmer who created it was named Mr Bacon. Yellow-green flesh with a slightly sweet taste.

HASS: The most famous of them all here in the USA. Most often found in guacamole.

FREY: Looks like an over weight Bartlett pear. Creamy flesh with a lingering and piquant flavor. Great in a burrito.

PINKERTON: Flesh with the consistency of pudding. Gold flesh. Great in omelettes.