Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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1. Prevent burger bulge by pressing your thumb into the center of patties while they’re still raw. They’ll fill out again as the meat cooks.

2. Hands off! While constantly flipping the burgers might make you feel like you’re really playing with fire, it doesn’t do much good for your meat’s moisture. For killer grill marks and a juicy patty, let the meat sit on the hot grill for at least a few minutes, and then flip just once.

3. Meat should be blotted dry with paper towels before it meets the
heat. Otherwise it’s boiling, steaming and braising — not grilling.

1. If you’re grilling a whole fish, when it’s time to flip — don’t. Instead, use two spatulas to roll it over.

2. Fish shouldn’t smell, well, fishy. Also look for non-cloudy eyes and red gills as signs of super-fresh seafood.

3. Properly-cooked fish steaks should flake when lightly pressed.

1. White meat cooks more quickly than dark meat, so stagger your cooking times.

2. Ask your butcher to butterfly a whole chicken. It’ll cook much more quickly since increased surface area will be exposed to the flame.

3. For seriously sealed-in flavor, get your hand up under chicken skin, loosen the membrane, and spread your rub or marinade. You can use a spoon and gloves if you’re squeamish, but either way — make sure to sanitize your hands afterward.

1. Slice a head of romaine lettuce in half and grill face-down for two minutes. It’ll add an unexpected charred kiss to your salad.

2. Remove the gills from the underside of Portobello mushrooms. They add a bitter flavor and a funky color to the rest of the dish.

3. Grilled sweet potatoes are an easy treat. Add some wood chips to the coals or smoker box, pierce the ‘taters all over with a fork, slather with pareve margarine or oil, and grill near (but not directly over) heat until soft.