Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We recently read a press release from a shul that was announcing the arrival of its new rabbi, a transplant from another part of the US. Typical of such pieces, this one, too, contained lots of puffery as well as high hopes and aspirations. As we read the article, we were fairly impressed with all the rabbi accomplished in his former shul. And that was when it hit!

While in X (the town), Rabbi Jewish (not his real name) created a “popular Friday night musical service, Friday Night Fever.” Do the people who attend that service wear white suits with open collared shirts unbuttoned to show lots of Italian jewelry?

Gosh we go to shul to daven. They go for Friday night fever???!! Is it just us, or is this really awful? We once heard a lecture entitled Hijacking the holy.” Granted, it was about something else. But, the title sure fits in this case.