Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Kellogg’s announces new NUTRI GRAIN FRUIT AND NUT BARS. These OU-D treats promise to match granola with natural, premium ingredients in a bar. Each bar is a good source fiber (3 gr). The bars come in Berry and Almond and Cranberry, and Raisin and Peanut.

General Mills announces new FRUITY CHEERIOS. This OU cereal features real fruit juice, 25% less sugar, and whole grains. This is the 11th variety of Cheerios. No doubt it will send you out of the house with a cheerio, old chap!

Betty Crocker announces WARM DELIGHTS. These OU-D little cakes are microwavable. They come in their own dish. You just add water and then nuke it. They come in assorted flavors. Look for them in the baking aisle of your supermarket.

Happy After Pesach!