Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Anheuser-Busch has rolled out three fruit-flavored versions of its Michelob Ultra brand.

The three flavors – Pomegranate Raspberry, Lime Cactus and Tuscan Orange Grapefruit – will be available through Labor Day. They are sold in 12-bottle packs featuring all three varieties, and in single-flavor six-packs.

– A-B has also brewed an all-malt Bohemian pilsner for the Florida market – an extension of its program to brew regional beers in its regional breweries. Tarpon Spoon is brewed with two-row malt and a touch of toasted malt. It is spiced using Saaz and Tettnanger hops.
Aviso: We don’t know if the product will be kosher. In fact, we hope it won’t be kosher so we will have a convenient excuse for not trying it. Fruit flavored beer??? No way, Jose!!