Today is January 15, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Here is a most interesting story from this week’s Kosher Today on line edition.

It concerns having two seders in Eilat and Turkey. We are not sure why the rabbi brought up Turkey (it would seem to be in the category of “duh”), but his view on Eilat is on target halachically.

Rabbi Elyashiv Rules Two Seder Nights in Eilat and Antayla
Jerusalem… Jews who visit Eilat, one of Israel’s major tourist destinations, for Pesach (Passover) must keep two Seder nights just as Jews in the Diaspora do, according to Kol Hair, an Orthodox publication based in Bnei Brak. This, according to a ruling by Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, considered leading international authority on halacha (Jewish law). Eilat, according to Rabbi Elyashiv, is not part of ancient Israel and therefore must be treated like it would be in the Diaspora. Tourist officials and Eilat’s Chief Rabbi Yosef Hecht vehemently objected to the ruling which they believe may be detrimental to the city’s tourist trade for the Passover holiday. The rabbi also ruled that tourists in Antalya, Turkey, also must hold two Seders. The rabbi made the ruling at the initiative of several charedi travel agencies that rent hotels in Antalya.