Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We found a really neat product today in the supermarket.It sure looked good.It was a packet of Broccoli with Cheese Rice Mix with Seasonings.The packet stressed the fact that it is made “WITH REAL CHEESE.”

Certification was by the Star-K. Maybe……………..

A quick read of the ingredients revealed that the product, which indeed does contain real cheese as well as sodium casseinate and butter, also contains schmaltz. No, they didn’t call it that; they called it rendered chicken fat.

No matter- the product is treif! Stay away from CAROLINA BROCCOLI WITH CHEESE RICE MIX. The company who makes it is Riviana Foods of Houston, Texas. The company says that the product indeed does contain rendered chicken fat.

We contacted the Star K, and they said that the product does not appear on their list of certified kosher foods from that company. When we suggested that they needed to know about this product, they asked us to fax a copy of the label to them so they could check it out.

Excuse us, but couldn’t they have acted on the phone call alone? Frankly, we expected a more concerned reaction from them. Certainly, a stronger reaction than “Ok, fax it to us and we will check it out” was called for.