Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Another one of our favorite stores on the Midrochov is Zakaim Bros, located at 7 Ben Yehuda Street. They are at the bottom of the Midrochov.

Joseph (he should live and be well until 120!) and Alfred (Ellie) are the father and son who run this store.

They deal in all sorts of gold and silver, but we especially like the certified ancient Israeli coins they feature. Mostly the coins are worked into pieces of jewelry. They make some amazing pieces. In addition, they carry a world class supply of international coins of historical interest.

Mostly, though, it is Joseph and Ellie who make the store as special as it is. We love to spend time in their store, browsing at all the unique pieces they have created.

They also have some Canaanite idols (small ones) that you can buy. As conversation pieces they are the ne plus ultra of home decor. Believe us, how many of your friends are going to have Canaanite idols in the house? You can be envy of your neighbors and friends.

Of ocurse, they also carry a full supply of menorot, chanukiot, spice boxes, and all the other usual religious items.

Stop in and say hello. Tell them we sent you and watch what happens- you will be recieved like honored guests.