Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Finally, a pareve ice cream that tastes good and is actually worth eating.

From Turtle Mountain comes some new products that you will want to grace your shabbat dessert table……..

The company offers SO DELICIOUS pareve ice cream and PURELY DECADENT pareve ice cream.

Both are extraordinary products. We tried some of each and they were really quite good.

On the SO DELICIOUS line the company offers Minis (ice cream sandwiches) and ice cream in many fine flavors: Butter Pecan, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Velvet, Cookies n’ Cream, Creamy Vanilla, Dulce De Leche, Mint Marble Fudge, Mocha Fudge, Neapolitan, Peanut Butter and Strawberry. In the PURELY DECADENT line they offer: Cherry Nirvana, Chocolate Brownie Almond, Chunky Mint Madness, Cookie Avalance, Mint Chocolate Chip, Mocha Almond Fudge, Praline Pecan, Purely Vanilla. Rocky Road, Turtle Trails, Swinging Anna Banana, Raspberry A La Mode and more.

Hashgacha is by the Heart K and the product is certified Vegan.