Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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O Danny Boy, the gifts, the gifts are calling……….

Located on the Midrochov, near the top (ie, near King George St) at 17 Ben Yehuda St, is Danny Boy Gifts. Danny is a young fellow with an excellent head for buisness, schmoozerei, and selection.

We have known Danny for years, and we always get a good deal in his store. His supply is eclectic and varied. Danny is a natural born salesman who always finds just the right thing for you- as he himself is proud to say!

What are you looking for? Whatever it is he claims to have it. That is not quite as true as it is in other places, but Danny does stock an impressive amount of goods in his store.

Danny was the first store we shopped (this goes back a few years) to have the clear, lucite washing cups with Israeli wild flowers inside the lucite. Now, everyone has them.

We once took Tali there and Danny gave her a three minute soliloquy on her father. We loved it. The kid was mostly embarassed. That is one of the stores that the daughter is always leery of entering with her father. (See the article about Ora Gifts.) She once went in on her own with some visiting friends. She thought that without the old man, she would be incognito. Hah! The first words out of Danny’s mouth were, “How’s your father?”

We give Danny a big thumbs up!