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There are some products that just shouldn’t see the light of day. Some things just don’t cut it. Candy Cane bagels is one of those things. Anyway, click below to read on……………

Candy Cane Bagels for the holidays

Posted Nov 14th 2006 9:04AM by
Nicole Weston

Filed under:
Breakfast, Restaurants, Food Oddities, New Products, Bakeries

When I heard that Noah’s Bagels and Einstein Bros. Bagels,
which are owned by the same parent company, are introducing Candy Cane Bagels for the holidays, it didn’t sound like an appealing concept. Cream cheese and peppermints? Not the best combination, especially not where breakfast food is concerned. Fortunately, the bagels are not mint-flavored at all, but merely shaped like candy canes. They are made of red and white potato doughs that are twisted together and bent into a hooked candy cane. They have a very light coating of powdered sugar, added partially for looks and partially to give it a little something to stand out from the ordinary bagels where flavor is concerned.

The company says that the bagels “taste as good as they look,” but I’m not entirely sure that most bagel fans will like their look — or the sugary coating — when given the choice between one of these and a regular bagel. They are very cute, however, and would probably be well received at an office holiday party.