Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We recently got to taste some Pierre’s Sorbet. It was incredible! Definitely a Kosher Nexus Five Fork winner! The best part about these incredible sorbets (after the taste that is) is that they are OU pareve. That’s right, boys and girls- pareve! They are also fat free, cholesterol free, and, as we said before, dairy free!

We tried the Peach flavor and the Passion Fruit. Both were excellent. Each one tasted exactly the way fresh fruit should taste. We wanted to taste more, but our chaperones were on full blown alert status lest we break the diet, so we were barely able to get the two teensy tiny tastes we did get. On the other hand, people at the booth were heard to be making strange mewing sounds as they enjoyed the various flavors.

And just what are those flavors, you ask?

Chocolate, Lemon, Peach, Passion Fruit, Strawberry and Raspberry. Try them all- they are truly great!