Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Hey, guess what? There are pirate radio stations all over the USA. Here in the metro NYC area, there are three- count ’em, three- pirate radio stations dedicated to the Messiah.

Two of the stations are AM; one is FM. There is also a program that runs on short wave, but that one appears to be legal.

We have checked into the FM station and have discovered that it has no license to operate. By definition, that is a pirate station. We were able to track their signal to a building in the 700 block of Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. Gosh, we wonder who the sponsor might be?

Along the way, we have discovered that two other programs (also pirates) share the same frequency. We interviewed one of the pirates and found out that all three programs had a gentleman’s agreement to not step on each other’s signal. That lasted for a few months until the Messiah group decided that they would no longer respect the other two players. The Messiach group started running their program while the other players were still on the air.

So, what do we have here? We have people with no derech eretz (manners) who illegally broadcast over the air. In addition, they “schnorr” funds on the air which is yet a second violation of FCC rules (you have to have a license for that, too).

Apparently, that group believes that we can bring “Moshiach” now by breaking the law.Maybe someone should tell them “Dina d’malchuta, dina- the law of the land is law.”