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Kosher Nexus
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  • UTJ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Launches! was launched on November 1, 2006, by true food lovers with the aim of creating a comprehensive resource for finding out everything one would want to know about Manhattan’s Kosher restaurants.

But there’s a twist: not only is Kosher-NY available online, it is available on the go by cell phone.

Please visit and explore all Kosher-NY has to offer:
Reviews, Restaurant info, Mapping and Directions…and learn how to use Kosher-NY on the go!

New York, NY, November 1, 2006 — is pleased to announce its launch. was launched on November 1, 2006, by true food lovers with the aim of creating a comprehensive resource for finding out everything you would want to know about

Manhattan’s Kosher restaurants. But there’s a twist: not only is Kosher-NY available online, it is available from your cell phone.

Kosher-NY’s founders were frustrated when figuring out where Kosher restaurants were located, what type of food was served, and how much a meal would cost. Many of the existing resources were outdated or incomplete, and there was no guarantee of reliability.

And when they found themselves in a new neighborhood, without a computer, they had trouble merely knowing where to look. And so was born Kosher-NY, a resource that offers addresses and phone numbers, subway directions, restaurant reviews, hashgachah information, links to websites, and everything else one might need in making a restaurant choice. Additional types of information and reviews will be phased in continuously over the coming months.

Kosher-NY is especially attractive for those who don’t know quite what they are looking for or where they are going. The website’s interactive map of Manhattan, complete with subway stations, illustrates where restaurants are located, making it simple for a first-time visitor or a veteran New Yorker to find the perfect restaurant.

Those “on the go” can send a text message from their cell phone with the name of a restaurant or with their location to, and within seconds they will receive a return message with the address and contact information of a Kosher restaurant they are looking for or for several ones nearby.

Remember, Kosher-NY is your sole source for comprehensive New York Kosher restaurant information.

Editors/Reporters: For further information, contact