Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The really good news is that, according to Kosher Today (Oct. 3, 2006) Israel is booked to the gills for Sukkot. Unlike last year when you had to be in Israel prior to Yom Kippur in order to be there for Sukkot, this year there is plenty of time for all the carriers to fill their planes this week.

According to Kosher Today, some 30,000 Americans will flood the country for the next round of yom tov. Frankly, we are delighted.

The article went on to say, however: “Hotels in Jerusalem are taking full advantage of the demand, charging as much as $800 a night and $130 a meal (excluding beverage and tips) in a preferred Succah.”

On some level, we can understand the economics of supply and demand. We can even understand the hotels needing to charge more to take advantage of the good time while it lasts. But $800 per night? That is a tad overbearing, no? Then again, people are willing to pay it.

The $130 for a meal is, of course, way out of line.What kills us is the notion that some will pay that amount to get seating in a “preferred sukkah.” Just what is a preferred sukkah? Is that like flying first class as opposed to the rest of us back in steerage? Clearly, not all sukkot are created equal.

As for us, we could be happy in a regular class sukkah. No need for preferred sukkah seating for us!