Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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As promised, here are more cereals with their brachot. Click below to see today’s list.

The following GENERAL MILLS cereals with the OU have MEZONOT for their bracha: Basic 4,Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Chex, Golden Grahams, Honey Nut Chex, Honey Nut Clusters, Oatmeal Crisp, Raisin Nut Bran, Rice Chex, Total, Total Raisin Bran, Wheat Chex and Wheaties.

The following have SHEHAKOL for their bracha: Fruity Cheerios, Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Country Corn Flakes, Kix, Multi Bran Chex, Reese’s Puffs and Trix.

The following have HA’ADAMAH for their bracha: Corn Chex.

The following KASHI cereals with the OU have HA’ADMAH for their bracha: 7 Whole Grain Puffs, Go Lean and Good Friends.

Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oats and Mighty Bites have MEZONOT for their bracha.

Stay tuned, even more to come………………….