Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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First of all, apologies to “L:ghtening” Lou Christie for the title of today’s little tidbit.

We have often wondered whence cometh all the page requests we get on the UTJ web site and the KN blog. Frankly, we were blown away by the answer. Apparently, the two most popular destinations on the UTJ web site are the Torah study sections and the portal to the KN blog.

Check out where some of the requests come from in the course of just one week………..

reqs: Mbytes: pages: domain
—-: ——: —–: ——
5187: 183.93: 2162: .com (Commercial)
4649: 83.70: 674: .net (Networks)
164: 4.58: 14: .ca (Canada)
378: 4.02: 66: .edu (USA Higher Education)
94: 3.70: 6: .il (Israel)
206: 2.00: 23: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
206: 1.10: 18: .au (Australia)
162: 0.75: 9: .mx (Mexico)
6: 0.69: 0: .mil (USA Military)
16: 0.36: 8: .pl (Poland)
64:0.33: 9: .uk (United Kingdom)
23:0.30:10: .jp (Japan)
44:0.27: 4: .gov (USA Government)
51:0.22: 16: .de (Germany)
25:0.21: 9: .es (Spain)
12:0.18: 7: .nl (Netherlands)
4:0.16: 3: .us (United States)
30:0.09: 4: .nz (New Zealand)
35:0.09: 1: .it (Italy)
12:0.08: 5: .fr (France)
10:0.07: 2: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
17:0.06: 1: .ie (Ireland)
5:0.05: 1: .sg (Singapore)
5:0.04: 2: .ar (Argentina)
2:0.04: 2: .hu (Hungary)
3:0.03: 2: .be (Belgium)
2:0.02: 1: .md (Moldova)
2:0.02: 1: .sc (Seychelles)
2:0.02: 1: .cz (Czech Republic)
1:0.02: 1: .tv (Tuvalu)
1:0.02: 1: .tw (Taiwan)
1: 0.00: 0: .br (Brazil)
1:0.00: 0: .ru (Russia)

We had to look up Tuvalu. Tuvalu, formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean midway between Hawaii and Australia. Its nearest neighbors are Kiribati, Samoa and Fiji. Comprising 4 reef islands and 5 true atolls, with a total land area of just 26 square kilometers (10 sq mi), it is the second-least populated independent country in the world, Vatican City being the smallest. It is the smallest member by population of the United Nations.

The one that really blew us away, however, was the fact that we had ten page requests from the United Arab Emirates. Wowzers! Do they have kosher food there?

Call us proud!